Shenzhen Tellid Communication Tech Co., Ltd |
Shenzhen Tellid Communication Technology Co., LTD was found in 2002 which is a high-tech company specialized in research, development, sales and after-sale service of sophisticated telecommunication equipments and meters to meet the requirement of customers all over the world. It is located in High-Tech business center in Futian district, Shenzhen.
Year Company Established: | 2011-09-04 |
OEM Services Provided: | NO |
Business Type: | Manufacturer |
Main Export Markets: | North America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, South America, Southeast Asia, Eastern Asia, Mid East, Oceania, Africa |
Shenzhen Tellid Communication Tech Co., Ltd | |
Address: | Shangxue Technology Yard, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China (Mainland) / 518129 |
Tel: | 86-755-83905398 |
Fax: | 86-755-83928599 |
Contact Person: |
Ms. Marina
(Sales Manager)
Mobile Phone: | 86- 150 1924 2033 |